Sunday, January 7, 2007

Working from home

I want to introduce myself. My name is Eileen Brigantino and I am a 40 year old Christian woman, wife, mom of 4 and grandmother of 1. I am NOT an expert or internet guru. I AM an aspiring home business owner and have goals and dreams just like you.

I do have to say that I have learned alot over the past few years about business. When I was a very young mother at 19, my husband and I started a painting company. That was my first experience at business. We had never painted before, but needed to make some extra money.
Although we did do a few jobs, we didn't know what we were doing and so we ended up quitting. A few years later someone offered to sell us there little office cleaning company. Again, we didn't know anything about business and although we tried really hard to make it work, we failed. Then I was exposed to direct sales and boy was I excited! They promise you the world and it looks so easy to do. Again, I had no people skills, no vision, no authority or posture.

Looking back, I had lots of dreams then but I had a poverty mentality. I thought that only special people who had money to work with, who had an education, who looked good could be successful. I went through several home businesses and failed.

So, now I'm 40 years old and still have dreams and goals. I actually stopped dreaming at one point a few years ago when I got divorced. After going through this extremely tough time, I eventually was remarried and here I am again.. I'm sure that I am not the only person out there with this situation. Everyone has dreams and goals that they want to accomplish but somewhere along the line, we stop dreaming. We stop hoping that it will ever happen.

Let me tell you that we must not ever stop dreaming. The key to being successful is not to let your failures cripple you. Don't let the dream stealers, people who have failed and given up and want everyone else to fail, stop you from accomplishing your goals and dreams!

Go to and sign up for a free membership. Listen to the training. Then, get back to me and tell me what you learned, what you think about the training. See if you will not start dreaming again. I have. I also learned that dreaming is great, but until you actually take a step and start acting on that dream, it will not happen!

The reason I have started this blog is to hopefully encourage someone out there that you can be successful. I want to encourage others who have failed in the past, to pick yourself off the floor and start again. God wants you to succeed. He wants to see prosperity and blessing in your life and family. As soon as you can truly believe that God is for you, then that is the first step to achieving it.

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